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目的分析1969~2006年宁夏长爪沙土鼠疫源地鼠疫流行特征,探讨防治对策,为鼠疫防治提供科学依据。方法采用描述流行病学。结果发现染疫啮齿动物6种、媒介蚤3种、螨1种、猛禽1种,共分离出鼠疫菌321株。在4个监测县(市)发现鼠疫流行17年次,盐池县11年次、平罗县(原陶乐县)、银川市和灵武市各2年次;盐池县阳性年率30.56%(χ^2=14.61,P〈0.01)。结论1987~2006年鼠间鼠疫流行呈上升趋势,盐池县监测点为高发流行区。  相似文献   
Abstract: Previous studies have shown that pinealocytes of the gerbil pineal gland exhibit processes that form terminal swellings filled with abundant electron-lucent microvesicles. The membrane of these presumptive secretory microvesicles is known to contain synaptophysin, a major integral glycoprotein of neuronal synaptic vesicles. The present study was conducted to evaluate the microtopographical relationships between the vesicle-rich process swellings and intra-pineal nerve terminals. For this purpose, both nerve terminals and pinealocyte process endings were visualized immunohistochemically in the same semi-thin sections of plastic-embedded gerbil pineals, using antibodies directed against synaptophysin. This approach consistently revealed close spatial associations of punctate immunopositive nerve endings with intensely stained bulbous process terminals of pinealocytes in or near the perivascular spaces. The light-microscopic observations of intimate neuronal-pinealocytic relationships were corroborated at the electron-microscopic level. Perivascular varicosities with ultrastructural features characteristic of sympathetic nerve terminals were frequently juxtaposed to vesicle-filled process endings of pinealocytes. Analysis of serial thin sections showed that multiple point-to-point contacts are encountered between noradrenergic nerve terminals and pinealocytic process swellings. Our morphological findings imply that bulbous process terminals, at least in the gerbil pineal gland, are major targets for the neuronal control of the secretory activity of pinealocytes.  相似文献   
For future retinal tissue engineering, it is essential to understand formation of retinal tissue in a 'cell-by-cell' manner, as can be best studied in retinal reaggregates. In avians, complete laminar spheres can be produced, with ganglion cells internally and photoreceptors at the surface; a similar degree of retinal reconstruction has not been achieved for mammals. Here, we have studied self-organizing potencies of retinal cells from neonatal gerbil retinae to form histotypic spheroids up to 15 days in culture (R-spheres). Shortly after reaggregation, a first sign of tissue organization was detected by use of an amacrine cell (AC)-specific calretinin (CR) antibody. These cells sorted out into small clusters and sent unipolar processes towards the centre of each cluster. Thereby, inner cell-free spaces developed into inner plexiform layer (IPL)-like areas with extended parallel CR(+) fibres. Occasionally, IPL areas merged to combine an 'inner half retina', whereby ganglion cells (GCs) occupied the outer sphere surface. This tendency was much improved in the presence of supernatants from retinal pigmented cells (RPE-spheres), e.g. cell organization and proliferation was much increased, and cell death shortened. As shown by several markers, a perfect outer ring was formed by GCs and displaced ACs, followed by a distinct IPL and 1-2 rows of ACs internally. The inner core of RPE spheres consisted of horizontal and possibly bipolar cells, while immunostaining and RT-PCR analysis proved that photoreceptors were absent. This shows that (1) mammalian retinal histogenesis in reaggregates can be brought to a hitherto unknown high level, (2) retinal tissue self-organizes from the level of the IPL, and (3) RPE factors promote formation of almost complete retinal spheres, however, their polarity was opposite to that found in respective avian spheroids.  相似文献   
用马来丝虫冰冻切片抗原的间接荧光抗体试验(IFAT)检测10只经马来丝虫感染蚴感染的长爪沙鼠血清,结果6只腹腔液内查出微丝蚴的沙鼠,IFAT呈阳性反应;4只腹腔液内未查到微丝蚴的沙鼠中,3只IFAT阳性,1只阴性。表明沙鼠实验感染或与人体自然感染后一样,只要感染蚴进入宿主体内,多可激发宿主的免疫反应。  相似文献   
子午砂土鼠,NIH小鼠和昆明株小鼠在实验感染绵羊源细粒棘球蚴原头节后,在不同时期剖检,观察了细粒棘球蚴在其体内的发育状况,三种鼠平均湿囊重及其占体重百分比,子午砂土鼠均高于其他两种小鼠。子午砂土鼠在感激后274天时,部分原头节已发育成熟,在357天时,全部成熟,结果表明,子午砂土鼠对细粒棘球蚴的敏感性高于其他小鼠,表现为包囊发育好,生长快,是细粒棘球蚴的一种比较理想的实验动物。  相似文献   
根据鄂尔多斯荒漠草原1981~1986年年降水和四季降水,长爪沙鼠年均密度和4~5月、10~11月密度资料,经多元回归分析认识到,鼠疫动物病流行前的年降水,特别是6~8月降水是影响长爪沙鼠种群数量变动的主要因素;给出7种不同条件下预报鼠密度的数学模型。  相似文献   
56%磷化铝片剂杀灭长爪沙鼠的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨56%磷化铝片剂在长爪沙鼠鼠疫源地的使用价值。方法选择6个试验样地,分雨季和旱季进行现场堵洞灭鼠试验,计算校正灭洞率。结果磷化铝片剂杀灭长爪沙鼠平均灭洞率为94.37%,雨季和旱季灭洞率分别为94.93%和94.00%,无显著性差异。结论56%磷化铝片剂可用于长爪沙鼠鼠疫疫源地疫区处理。  相似文献   
In contrast to Helicobacter(H.) pylori, little is known about the pathogenic mechanisms of gastric non-H. pylori Helicobacter species. Mongolian gerbils were inoculated intragastrically with H. felis or H. bizzozeronii and killed at different timepoints post-inoculation (p.i.), stomach tissue being taken for light and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis. Parietal cells (PCs), apoptosis, cell proliferation and nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-kappaB) activation were "visualized" immunohistochemically. Inflammation consisted of neutrophilic granulocytes, mainly in the antrum, and lymphocytic infiltrates around the limiting ridge and throughout the stomach mucosa and submucosa. From day 11 p.i. onwards, H. felis-inoculated animals showed moderate to severe loss of PCs extending from the limiting ridge into the fundus. Apoptotic cells, spiral bacteria, cell proliferation, and NF-kappaB activation were detected at the transition zone between affected and normal PCs. TEM revealed interaction of H. felis flagella with PCs and chief cells. Moreover, H. felis was seen in proximity to, and inside, necrotic cells. At 10 weeks p.i., some H. felis-infected gerbils showed complete loss of fundic glands, and mucous metaplasia of the epithelium. H. bizzozeronii, which made no flagellar contact with epithelial cells, was associated with only mild PC loss. The mechanism by which H. felis induces PC necrosis and apoptosis remains unclear. The observed flagellar contact and NF-kappaB activation may play an important role in H. felis-associated inflammation.  相似文献   
北方3种动物鼠疫预警系统研究   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3  
本论述建立达乌尔黄鼠,阿拉善黄鼠,长抓沙鼠鼠疫预警系统。  相似文献   
子午沙鼠感染戊肝病毒传代的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的:子午沙鼠实验感染HEV的传代研究。方法:选健康子午沙鼠腹腔接种含HEV的人类便悬液,接种后观察43-50d,分别记录临床表现、酶血症和排毒结果、肝组织学改变。第1代7只,第2、3代各20只,依次进行逐代感染,连续3代。结果:临床表现不明显,酶血症反应3代基本一致,第6d开始,50d渐复常,呈双峰型;肝组织学改变:经光镜和电镜检查显示,与人戊肝病理改变相似。结论:实验证实子午沙鼠可连传3代,有与人类戊肝相似的特征,具动物模型的条件。  相似文献   
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